Monday, October 24, 2011

chicken wing disection

We disected a chicken wing during class the other day (at least Mrs.Rosseau did).  We learned that if you pull a bicep of an arm bone it extends the arm (also known as an extensor).  Not to forget we also learned that if you pull a tricep muscle it flexes the arm (also known as a flexor).  Many people were sickened and grossed out, but I found the anatomy of the chicken wing pretty interesting, I grasp that concept very well.  The lab was a succes today and I am glad I learned the partial anatomy of the chicken wing.  We learned about the tissues in the chicken wing, epithelial, muscle and not to forget connective tissues.  However we ded not see the nervous tissues which I thought would be really cool and fun to learn and see it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Today in science we did a lab about iodine,we learned that it is an indicator.
The lab today was partially successful, the starch in the bag was turning purple, however only a portion.
Mrs.Rosseau stated that it was either the bag wasn't premeable enough or there was too little iodine.
I think that this was an accurate guess, however I was upset that the lab failed and a bit disappointed.
It was still a privilage to do a lab, it was great fun.  The fact that iodine was a potentially serious poison fueled me to  do the lab.