Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Theodore Gray's glove with white phosphorus
Theodore Gray was messing around with phosphorous, especially with white phosphorus.  Theodore is a world redeemed mad scientist and does many different labs and experiments that any sane scientist would never do.  The white phosphorus is an uncommon form of phosphorus, but is as flammable as regular phosphorus. This white phosphorus is toxic, but creates a good glow, which has made Theodore Gray famous, this was on TV and on the popular science website:  This is a note worthy discovery or experiment because the element can be added with paint and paint thinner to create glow in the dark paints.  Do not try the experiment at home because a highly trained chemist had to calculate a safe amount of the phosphorus to mix with the paint thinners.  The paint thinner is known as toluene.  As the toluene evaporated, the white phosphorus did what its name implies—it phosphoresced, reacting with the molecules of oxygen from the air to produce a luminous gas fractions of milliliters above the surface of Dr. Theodore's hand, which is very dangerous, white phosphorus can burn through human skin within seconds, it may be as powerful as hydrochloric acid. This reaction is not just risky to create, it’s also difficult to photograph. According to the article, they used the best low-light camera available to get it to show up so well.This can help the United States of America.  An example of how it could help the army is when the lights go out,(enemy attack) the phosphorus paint can help the soldiers see through the attack or power outage.  Another way that it could help us is to paint the insides and outsides with white phosphorus paint.  This could help the people with the houses with the paint in post-hurricane and post-natural resource situations.  It would make it easier to see from a helicopter's point of view and you could still see inside the house.  Also a problem I have is misplacing my phone or iPod in my house.  It would be very innovative if the cell phone companies and apple should start to make the cell phone or iPod cases with white phosphorus paint.  Also a very innovative way to use white phosphorus paint is to station it on door knobs to see where the door knobs are to get out of a building or to go into certain rooms during power-outages

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Quantum Computers

An average American tends to have 3 or 4 computers per household which is very amazing.  Many people would believe that they use their computers everyday and for different tasks.  There are people creating Quantum Computers, but they will not be sold on the market for at least 10 years, but a decent Quantum Computer could over power any current super computer.  The decent Quantum Computer can decypher any firewall or proxy and will astonish Bill Gates and Steve Jobs (if he was with us RIP) at the speed and how worthless their computers would be next to the Quantum Computer.  It is similar to the classical computers like Apple, HP and Sony, the similarity is what keeps the computer in the category of computer. The IBM lab discovered a new convenience on the Quantum technology recently and have come up with a theory that it is very possible to create the computer, however there are many possibilities, and different ways to approach the different possibilities, which means there are a lot of ways to engineer the soon to be device.  The reason that the people are so doubtful is because of the components including physics and (of course) Quantum mechanics, which is very hard to do.  There are many possibilities that the Quantum computer cannot exist, like all great theories, Stephen Hawking and his Black Hole theory and Einstein with his gravity and relativity principle. Qubits, which are forms of bites which is basically what this blog is made out of, the little parts of technology within the screen that can let you see this blog which are going to be featured and used in the production of the great machines.  However, the quantum computer is not just a simple build, you need many different machines, working as one to do it's intended purpose, for example you need an ion extracter and a proton extracter, plus many more.  The Quantum Computer will deal with physics (hence the word Quantum).  Many nano chips will be needed to make the Computer and many new technologies may come with it, such as a new processor or a new hardrive with triple the storeage.  The new Quantum computers by IBM may be astonishing, and if you consider the amount of research, time and brains spent on the new computer, you may believe that it is an alien creation, like the alienware laptop.  I believe that the new computers can greatly impact the robotic side of science. For example, the computer can help us create codes and languages to add software to the robot.  This will also help our government in wars, by giving us strategies and hacking into enemy computers, to remotely aquire intellegence. Also, it may be used as an innovator, that can test out certain products and determine if it is a good product or a malicius product.  Not to forget, it can help lead scientists answer lead and important questions, which can impact how we live.
Ailenware laptop