Thursday, March 29, 2012

Nearly a week ago, a break through at the material Science department of the University of Southern Mississippi composed a skin-like plastic that while injured bleeds red, like human blood. This was not the first plastic that changes it's form, but it is the first that actually bleeds and self heals to light. The way that the plastic bleeds is similar to the following: the plastic contains water based co-polymers which has a certain molecular bridge that serves as a bridge in the polymer frame. However, when torn or scratched, the bridge collapses or the molecular bond splits. Dr. Mark Urban PhD composed an experiment and the plastic produced red blotches at the site of and injury. Another breakthrough was that unlike other plastics, his breakthrough can regenerate over and over, which is better than the previous plastics, that just healed once then when broken again, stayed red. The model proved to be eco-friendly which is a pro. Several reasons that I think that this plastic can greatly benefit human kind is because it is eco friendly, airplane travel would be loads safer, car windows can repair themselves after being damaged, and scratched phone or ipod screens could heal themselves. The reason that the plastic is eco friendly is a pro because with the amount of fossil fuels and pollution going on now, every eco friendly device can help the ozone layer from totally obliterating. It can improve airplane safety because if a war plane is struck by a bullet, it can heal and regenerate itself, saving the pilot's life. The reason that it can help car windows is that some cars are vandalized. It is a pro because instead of buying new windows, it would just regenerate. Also, if caught in a car accident, if the car is repairable and is workable, the probably shattered windows would regenerate, so again you would not have to buy new windows. The fact that phone and ipod screens could be made out of a regenerative plastic means that, if the screen was scratched or cracked, it can simply re-grow. This can help loads of people, for example, my friend Vineet, who has a phone, has many scratches on it from over usage. The plastic can help him and others like him that have phones with regenerable screens.  From the preceding pro's, I believe that this can postively impact peoples lives.  Dr. Urban PhD's research was funded by the United States Defense Department( USDD).

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